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Boats travling down Tarpon canal


There were 7 boats that registered for the boat parade. Judges were scattered through out Bayou Vista picking their favorites for the 1st, 2nd & 3rd place trophies. The "Let's Roll" trophy went to the boat that put in the effort but was lacking in some way. At the Christmas parade this trophy is called the Tiny Tim Award. Thanks to Micky & Judy Grove & Billie Moore for donating the beautiful red, white & blue trophies. Thanks also to the folks that helped out during the parade Joe & Donna Bumpas, Carl Davis, Fred Schenk & Jim Hauser.

Blake, Kathy, Rachel & John get 1st place

John Holmstroms 1st place boat

1st place trophy went to John Holmstroms boat.
In the above photo accepting the award is Blake, Kathy, Rachel & John

Steve & Debbie Whatleys 2nd place

2nd place boat owned by the Whatleys

The Whatley's received the 2nd place trophy with their beautifully decorated outriggers & streamer flags.

3rd place winners.

Fred & Tammi Schenk win 3rd place

Fred & Tammi Schenk's boat received the 3rd place trophy
as you can see all the balloons & lights they decorated with.

Paul & Sonya Hersh received the "Let's Roll" trophy.

Paul & Sonya Hersh received the "Let's Roll" trophy.

When asked to show their lights by the folks watching the parade Paul would get out the flashlight & shine it around the boat, as they did not have a generator.

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Glenn, Donna, JR, Glenn & Sharon having a great time.

Chowing down at Gay Reeve's house

:Lots of great BBQ parties like the one in the photo's above at Gay Reeves house went on in BV.
Glenn & Donna Harton, JR Osak, Glenn & Sharon Bumpas (wearing the statue of liberty hats) enjoy themselves at Gays party. Slurping up the delicious food is Jennifer & Scott Moga, along with Jim Hardin.

Janeses Williams drivning her beautfully decorated boat

4th of July boat parade

Janese (driving) & Kenny (standing waving) did a great job decorating there boat.

Schenk boat Schenk boat.

The difference in night & day decorated boats. Above is the Schenk's & below is Holmstroms boat.

John Holmstroms boat

John Holmstron's boat at dark.

More night & day photos, above is Homstrom's boat. Below is the Whatley's 2nd place winning boat.

Whatley's 2nd place boat during the day.


Lackey's boat

Lackey's boat

The Lackey's had a great time in the parade.

Blake & Rachel Whatley's 2nd place boat at night.

Blake & Rachel on the bow of John Holmstrom's 1st place boat. The Whatleys 2nd place boat..

Boat parade.

Janese Williams boat

Rachel & John

Rachel & John

Rachel Reed as Lady Liberty & John Holmstrom as Uncle Sam on the 1st place boat.

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After the trophies were handed out everyone was treated to a fantastic fireworks display put on by Fred Schenk.

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I hope all Bayou Vista residents enjoyed the boat parade. Thanks to all the boaters that took the time to decorate their boats & participate. I know it was a long night & some folks had to work the next day, but without you we would not have a nice parade. I am open for suggestions on how to make it shorter for next year.
If anyone has thoughts on next years 4th of July parade please email me at brenda@gccs.net. Some of the ideas have been to ask permission to go faster down the canals or just go down every other canal, then alternate every year.
I would like to continue the tradition of Bayou Vista's boat parades & hope next year we have an even bigger one.

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